Influencer Program


We received lots of messages about joining our Influencer program and testing sample products. It’s great to see so many people interested in giving us great feedback! We use this feedback to improve our products based on your suggestions and experiences.

Test our products, lend us your perspective, help us get it right.

Applicants are selected based on your tech experience, your online presence, and other smaller factors etc.

Some basic requirements for application:

1. Location

Applicants must reside in one of the following countries: the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Germany.

2. Active and have some online influence

The program has grown very quickly. In order to better distribute our limited resources across diverse online platforms, we are having to limit our program to applicants who meet the requirements below:

● Active online presence on social media platforms (at least 10,000 followers and high engagement), YouTube (at least 1000 subscribers and high-quality video production), blogs or tech websites (top 1,000,000 on Alexa global ranking, senior member with quality posts) etc.
● Valid links to your review posts on social media, YouTube, blogs, deal/tech websites etc. must be provided for evaluation.

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