M600 Driver V1.1


If you received your manual with the driver download URL:


Or the batch code is M60023I000001-M60023I002275. Please install the v1.1 driver directly without upgrading firmware:

⏬V1.1 Driver.zip


Alternatively, if the driver download URL for your manual is:


You have two options:

  1. Install old version V1.0 driver here
  2. If you prefer to use the new version driver with debounce time adjustment, please first upgrade your mouse's firmware using the following tool, provided your mouse supports it:

To upgrade your M600's firmware

a. Connect M600 to your PC via included USB cable

b. Install Upgrade Tool and Click the button to start the upgrade process

⏬Download Upgrade Tool

c. Close the tool and install the V1.1 driver

⏬V1.1 Driver.zip


If your Kysona m600 mouse became bricked after the firmware update, please resolve the issue using the fix tools Read post here